Why on-premises data security

is increasing your business risk

Why on-premises data security

is increasing your business risk

On-premises security is getting harder and more expensive to remain current with dangers...

Yes, you can set up your on-premises infrastructure to offer high levels of security. But the requirement for configuration comes at a cost and with risk. There are numerous factors to manage and potential for human error, including physical security, antivirus, firewalls, role-based access, data at rest vs. data in transit, and many more factors.

These factors and human error opportunities increase as your data estate grows and the company needs to access data in new ways to create value. Risk is then introduced.

whereas the cloud provides you with a steadily growing basis.

An established, strong foundation of data security is available right out of the box in a cloud environment, complete with built-in controls and ongoing monitoring.

To ensure that consumers benefit from ever increasing features, protocols, and rules, hyperscalers make significant investments across the globe. For instance, Microsoft Azure has made more than $1 billion on security research and development. More than 500 features and services offered by AWS are geared towards compliance and security. That falls short of what you can accomplish as one company.

Therefore, using the cloud makes it simple to establish and maintain a consistent and effective data security method. Your teams now have a reduced security surface area to maintain, allowing them to concentrate on safeguarding content, applications, systems, and networks. Since the data resilience is taken care of for you, you won’t need to continually spend in hardware and resources to just stay afloat (let alone to keep the company competitive).

When addressing inescapable threats and controlling shifting risk exposure,

on-premises security isn’t flexible enough. Traditional security principles are perimeter-based, rule-driven, and depend on growing customizability when implemented through on-premises technology. This indicates that manually provisioning and configuring servers and related access is required for scaling
and pivoting.

Time is consequently added to the equation if your risk profile changes or if a security issue is discovered. Having to wait is expensive, and danger is introduced when the organisation is forced to wait.

whereas a principle-based, adaptable, and scalable strategy is made possible by the cloud.

It’s simple to approach data security strategically with the cloud. To implement a rule from the bottom up, you don’t have to choose from thousands of possible rules; instead, you can focus on:

Where you are at risk What is exposed to you What values you wish to apply to risk management and exposure Your preferred method for defining risk controls

With your cloud foundation in place, it will be simple to swiftly, methodically, and consistently apply that top-level thinking to all of your environments and solutions. You can gain economies of scale and flexibility with APIs and automation, which makes it simpler to manage identities, regulate access, identify dangers earlier, and maintain compliance with the most recent standards.

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